Established in 1984 , Nassau Provisions specializes in the distribution of specialty and general groceries throughout the tri-state area and beyond with our full service in store sales staff. We serve
Supermarkets - Restaurants - C-Stores - Delis
* Next day delivery for most locations in NY, NJ, CT.
* Vast selection of everyday, quality products:
Grocery - Frozen - Ice Cream,
Dairy - Meat - Kosher Specialties
Gourmet- Organic - Gluten-Free
175,000 Square Foot,
Temperature Controlled Facilities
20 Loading Docks
Electronic Proof of Delivery systems
Up-to-date technological advancements
With just one truck and a base of 15 customers, Scott Horowitz founded Nassau Provisions and began his journey as an entrepreneur. He started what has now become a multigenerational family business, servicing thousands of happy customers and employing over 150 people.
Nassau Provisions has acquired the assets of Quality Frozen Foods. We welcome aboard a new expanded portfolio of products and customers.
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